Human and Humanity 23
Human and Humanity DISPUTE RESOLUTION There can be more than one way to resolve a conflict, but there are some factors that will be common to all. Positive feedback : Finding a solution to a conflict should be more positive than negative. The focus should be on the possibility of improvement, ie you should be more optimistic. Understand the point of view of others : Don't just consider your situation but also try to understand the other's position. Listen to their position carefully and try to understand. You will see that your behavior will reduce the other person's anger. Present your position in an appropriate and clear manner : Instead of criticizing or sarcastically criticizing someone, gently state your position. Explain gently the change you want to make and analyze yourself to see if I can express my feelings correctly without getting into a debate of right and wrong. Controlling emotions : Express your feelings in an appropriate way and give others the opportunity ...