Human and Humanity 08
Part 2 nd Constitutional and legal framework Article 17 :- Freedom of association Every citizen has the right to form unions and associations, subject to reasonable restrictions imposed by law. Every citizen is not a Government employee, but he has the right to form a political party or join a political party. Article 18 :- Freedom of trade, business or profession Everyone has the right to take part in any profession or business, subject to the conditions set forth by law. Article 19 :- Freedom of expression Subject to reasonable restrictions imposed by law, every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression. Article 19 A :- Right to access information Every citizen has the right to access information on any matter of public importance, subject to reasonable restrictions imposed by law. Human and Humanity Article 20 :- Freedom to follow / preach religion and manage religious institutions Under the law, public order and morality, every citizen has the right ...